Hideki Koike
Hideki Koike, Dr. Eng.
Hideki Koike, Dr. Eng.
- 1986: BE, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Tokyo
- 1988: ME, Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Tokyo
- 1991: Dr. of Eng., Dept. of Information Engineering, University of Tokyo
Work Experience:
- 1991-1994: Assist. Prof. of Department of Communications and Systems, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
- 1994-2006: Assoc. Prof. of Graduate School of Information Systems, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
- 1994-1996: Visiting Researcher at Prof. Lawrence Stark’s Lab., School of Optometry, UC Berkeley
- 1997: Visiting Researcher at Prof. Carlo Sequin’s Lab., Department of Computer Science, UC Berkeley
- 2003: Visiting Researcher at Prof. Peter Eades’s Lab., Department of Information Technology, Univ. of Sydney
- 2002-2005: Cabinet Official (Information Security), Cabinet Secretary, Japan
- 2006-2014: Prof. of Graduate School of Information Systems, University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo
- 2014-2016: Prof. of Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 2016-present: Prof. of School of Computing, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Academic Activity:
- 1999: IEEE/CS Int'l Symp. on Visual Languages (VL99), Program Committee
- 2000: IEEE/CS Int'l Symp. on Visual Languages (VL2000), Program Committee
- 2002: ACM Int'l Symp. on Software Visualization (SoftVis2003), Program Committee
- 2004: ACM Int'l Symp. on Software Visualization (SoftVis2005), Program Committee
- 2005: ACM Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security (VisSEC2005), Program Committee
- 2005: Asia-Pacific Symp. on Information Visualization (APVIS2006), Organizing Committee
- 2005: IEEE Pervasive 2006, Program Committee
- 2006: Asia-Pacific Symp. on Visualization (APVIS2007), Program Committee
- 2006: IEEE Pervasive 2007, Program Committee
- 2007: Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis2008), Symposium Co-Chair
- 2010: Augmented Human International Conference (AH), Steering Committee (-2019)
- 2011: ACM Interactive Tabletop and Surfaces (ITS 2012), Conference Co-Chair
- 2013: ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS 2013), Demo Co-Chair
- 2014: ACM Spatial User Interfaces (SUI 2014), Demo Co-Chair
- 2017: ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS), Steering Committee
- 2018: ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS2018), General Co-Chair
- 2018: ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST2018), Poster/Demo Co-Chair
- 2020: Augmented Humans (AHs), Steering Committee