Vision-based Gesture Interaction with Wall-sized Display
Recently large wall-sized displays could be seen in public environment. Such wall-sized displays only show information to users, but do not allow users to interact them. Some input devices, such as touch panels, could be used, but they are hard to be applied to much larger displays and they are expensive. On the different perspective, one of the main roles of such wall-sized displays is to deliver information. However, few displays allow users to receive and carry such information. This paper describes a wall-sized display system which allows users to manipulate displayed infomation by using their hand or fingers. Moreover, by using 2-D barcodes which can be recognized by recent mobile phones, the system allows users to receive displayed information
to their mobile phones and to send information in the mobile phones to the display.
- 1.Hideki Koike, Masataka Toyoura, Masayuki Ebata, Kenji Oka, Yoichi Sato, Human interaction with a wall-sized display using a stereo camera, the 7th Int’l Conf. on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2005), CD-ROM proceedings, P42, 2005.